“Learning Innovations and Quality” 2015 to host Special Contributions by Inspiring Science Education, Open Discovery Space, UNESCO, ICORE & more – Registration still open!
Representatives from internationally-renowned education initiatives will join LINQ participants in Brussels from 11 to 13 May 2015 and share their valuable experiences. Together with the participation of the international community for research on technology-enhanced learning and open education, these initiatives pledge to influence the course of development in education, especially in questions of learning innovations and quality. Last minute registration for LINQ 2015 is still available.
On 12 May, the pioneering Inspiring Science Education project (ISE – www.inspiring-science-education.net) will host a special conference event centred on their experience in technology-assisted science education. ISE has established a multifaceted repository of digital resources for integrating technology into STEM teaching. Their proven approach has enhanced and inspired students all over Europe to drive themselves to make their own scientific discoveries. ISE will share their success stories and help interested educators inspire their own young scientists.
Europe’s largest learning technology project, Open Discovery Space (ODS – www.opendiscoveryspace.eu), will host a high-level pre-conference event on innovative school education on 11 May, a theme regarding which the project has collected uniquely extensive experience. ODS firstly empowers stakeholders through a centralised access point for dispersed educational repositories. Secondly, its multilingual portal engages creators in the production of new learning resources. Finally, it collects feedback on the effectiveness of both old and new resources. This trifecta has demonstrated the potential of integrating technology in lesson planning to promote innovation and track quality on an immense scale.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (www.unesco.org) will collaborate with EBE-EUSMOSI (Inclusive Education in Europe: Putting Theory into Practice – www.inclusive-education.net) to host a pre-conference workshop on inclusive education for students through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) on 11 May. Successful integration of varied learner groups is greatly facilitated through the application of learning technologies; UNESCO and EBE-EUSMOSI plan to show participants how.
The TELL US Awards (www.tellusawards.eu), the third LINQ pre-conference event on May 11, will showcase 16 finalists from its contest which has evaluated educators from all institutional levels across Europe. Four finalists from four EU regions have been selected based upon their innovative approaches to learning solutions. Their constructive competition has brought forth some of the most promising organisations active in European education to date.
The complete LINQ 2015 programme can be found here.
Though non-profit in nature, the conference fee and registration through the LINQ website is required. The fee includes all provisions, including warm lunches, coffee breaks, the conference bag, and a copy of the official conference proceedings. Registration for LINQ 2015 is still open, but interested parties should act quickly, as accommodations are limited. Interested parties should go here to register.
For the latest information on the conference, please visit and like the LINQ Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LINQConference and follow LINQ on Twitter @LINQ_Conference.
Direct enquiries can be sent to the LINQ Conference Manager Mrs Natalja Nillmaier at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Natalja.Nillmaier@icb.uni-due.de).